Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Pundit - Friend of the Court Bureau Newsletter


Many of these contain very useful information and resources regarding Friend of the Court mediation, paternity actions, how the Affordable Care Act affects child support and child support collection, etc.  Here's a link to the most recent, December 2013 edition: http://courts.mi.gov/Administration/SCAO/OfficesPrograms/FOC/Documents/Pundits/2013-12-Pundit.pdf


Here's a link to an announcement re: my appointment to the State Bar Committee: http://www.womenlawyers.org/mid-michigan/blog

Revocation of Paternity Act

I'm working on the final revisions to an article I'm writing for the Libraries, Legal Research, and Legal Publications Committee of the State Bar of Michigan about the Revocation of Paternity Act, which was passed in Michigan last year.  I'll provide a synopsis here, but look for it in the family law edition of the Michigan Bar Journal in February 2014.